Monday, October 3, 2011

Lessons Of A Late Season Garden

A modest gatden contains, for those who know how to look and wait , more instruction than a library

The mornings are cool and the light has a new clarity these days, the skies a sharper blue.  I feel I need to apologize for the really bad thoughts I have been having for the past month, wishing for the scraggly flower beds to just get it over with! 

My garden is responding with a final encore for me, redeeming itself from the disappointments of August, and reminding me once again to be patient and let life do it's thing. It's exactly what I needed to get my enthusiasm back, and suddenly Im in the mood to make plans for next year.  Let the seed catalogs come!  I'm ready to devour them.

Finally, the moon flower blooms -I thought it would never happen -  now I must add a nightly visit to inhale the unforgetable fragrance.

The anemone offers it's multiple blossoms , graceful and delicate and blooming prolifically.

Who can endure a cabbage bed in October? - Jane Austen
I know this kale is edible, but it's just too beautiful to disturb - I love gazing into the center of the plant - it has all the magic of a kaleidoscope
The nasturtium seems to be happiest now, climbing with wild abandon on the wattle fence.
And of course, mums. Returning from last year in the perennial border.

There is no end to the lessons to be learned from a garden, if only the student is willing. It is truly one of my finest teachers.

With Paper and Paint

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