Saturday, April 10, 2021

                           Dreamy Daffodils

Six months ago I opened a bag of "assorted" bulbs and set about digging holes. I blessed each bulb as I settled it into place, and cursed each squirrel that sat nearby twitching his tail in anticipation of a snack. 

I knew that the dry brown orbs were in disguise, wearing jackets of dull, brown paper. I knew that inside each one a thing of beauty was waiting, ready to emerge from a winter nap with all the glory of the sun itself.  

I didn't know then how many different hues of yellow, gold, pink, and cream were on the horizon, or how many sizes and shapes were in store for me. Best of all, I had no idea how wonderful they would smell.

April has arrived, and the happy trumpets are here.

From the garden to the art table they go, as I attempt to do the impossible . . . capture nature's magic with my mere mortal 
tools of paint and paper. 

Painted on the pages of a vintage garden journal

Rendered with watercolors on textured cotton rag paper

Printed on Notecards

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