Monday, February 27, 2017

The Garden - Writing it down

"For those who have not got very good memories for the names of plants, I strongly recommend them if they can draw to make a little colored sketch, however small on the pages of a gardening book next to the name of the plant.  This will be found a great help to the memory."
- Mrs. C.W. Earl

Looking back is often the best way to look ahead . . . . 

The Gardening year begins for me as soon as the new year arrives, and arriving with it are much anticipated new plant and seed catalogs as well as new- fallen snow. Waking  up early in the morning after a snowfall, I am always reminded of the beauty of "bones" in my garden. Frosted like pastries, the trees, shrubs and garden structures take on new dimension.

My attempts at keeping records of my garden have taken many forms over the years, beginning with lists and notes written hastily at the end of a hot day in 1990, and continuing today with my ongoing efforts to include  illustrations with my notes.

I like to experiment with markers, 
colored pencils and watercolor on the page

I recently discovered a garden journal written by the 
gardener who lived in my house over 60 years ago.

The pages inspired me as background 
for a new series of paintings, to be turned into note cards.

Finished notecards, themes taken from the 
heading of each journal page, 
Vegetables, Tulips, Narcissus and Plans

Rumpled pages, rusty tools, soiled gloves and mossy pots, more inspiration for looking back, forming new ideas and making plans. What worked well, what didn't work as planned, what to move, what to divide, and what to add . . . its all there in the notes.  

1 comment:

  1. What a treasure you have in that old garden journal! Priceless!

    I'm in garden mode here too and will be starting my tomato seeds this week. Can't wait to start digging in the dirt again!
