The Garden - Writing it down
"For those who have not got very good memories for the names of plants, I strongly recommend them if they can draw to make a little colored sketch, however small on the pages of a gardening book next to the name of the plant. This will be found a great help to the memory."
- Mrs. C.W. Earl
"For those who have not got very good memories for the names of plants, I strongly recommend them if they can draw to make a little colored sketch, however small on the pages of a gardening book next to the name of the plant. This will be found a great help to the memory."
- Mrs. C.W. Earl
Looking back is often the best way to look ahead . . . .
The Gardening year begins for me as soon as the new year arrives, and arriving with it are much anticipated new plant and seed catalogs as well as new- fallen snow. Waking up early in the morning after a snowfall, I am always reminded of the beauty of "bones" in my garden. Frosted like pastries, the trees, shrubs and garden structures take on new dimension.
I like to experiment with markers,
colored pencils and watercolor on the page
I recently discovered a garden journal written by the
gardener who lived in my house over 60 years ago.
The pages inspired me as background
for a new series of paintings, to be turned into note cards.
Finished notecards, themes taken from the
heading of each journal page,
Vegetables, Tulips, Narcissus and Plans