Messes are the artist's true friend - we need to make messes in order to find out who we are and why we are here -
While browsing in a vintage shop
recently, my friend and fellow shopper commented "That's perfect for you, its your palette". That led to an interesting discussion of how each of us has our own unique set of color preferences, and we are indeed drawn to those colors or combinations of colors over and over again, almost unconsciously. An awareness of this has remained with me ever since, and sure enough - just look around you , in your closet, in your bedroom, in your garden. You might discover a layer of your own personality that is uniquely you, your palette
From an artist's point of view, what ends up on the canvas or the paper starts here - on the palette. Its the place where the painter has the most fun and faces the most challenges . Here are the mixes, the choices, the happy accidents and the struggles to achieve just the right shade. The loaded and well-used palette itself is art of a unique kind, to be appreciated by anyone with a love of color and an understanding of just how sensitive and magic color can be.
A palette can be an expensive ceramic piece
Or a simple plastic model
A metal folding model is perfect for the Plein Air painter
The glorious mess that happens on a palette has a story to tell
Inspiration for fashion and photography
Vintage palettes are a rare and special find
This little vintage metal watercolor palette has found new life as a display /magnet board for miniature watercolors. I like to imagine that it must have been someone's traveling companion years ago. Clean now of paint, except for a few stains, I wonder what lovely washes were mixed long ago, and what paintings might have resulted.You don't have to be an artist to relish colors , they are all around us every day, just waiting to be noticed and marveled at . What's your palette?
Hi! I found this as your website on your Market on Moss Facebook page. I few friends and I are just about ready to dive into the crafting industry and are looking for a few fairs/fleas/shows to be a part of. We went to your last market in June and loved it! And we were wondering how we could be a part (as vendors). I would love to hear details (booth cost, ect.) Or perhaps you aren't looking for any more participants. Anyway, let me know! Thanks!